Hello World!

Hello World!

Hello World! When I say “WORLD”, I’m referring to the one that God loved so much that He gave His only Son just to save every soul in it!! (John 3:16) Wow, that’s LOVE!

Welcome to what I’ll call my “virtual abode”…for the time being anyways! I guess I should say today marks my journey into the world of blogging. I never really envisioned myself writing a blog. But the more I go on the web and read articles and blogs written by others, I consistently find myself amazed by the amount of untruthful and judgmental information out there. So I figure, why just sit back getting aggravated about it when I can (as my hubby so clearly puts it) Speak My Mind too, just like others, and allow my voice to be heard. And let’s be clear: it’s not that I want to be just a loud voice telling everybody what “I” believe, but I’m convinced that the Bible is God’s voice to the world and therefore I consider that to be ultimate Truth. So I hope to shed light on the issues of today with the flashlight of God’s Word. I completely understand that there are some who don’t like this approach. But I hope and pray that God will use this to change even your thinking about that eventually. Ultimately, I guess I’m just crazy enough to believe that once the world believes in Jesus and really understands and applies the truths of the Bible, they can change their lives for the good, which will in turn, change the WORLD for the good. Because lets face it, looking at the world as its going today, and its hard to have hope for the future. But as Jesus put it: 

“With men it’s impossible, but not with God; for ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD.” (Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27)

And I wholeheartedly believe that. 

But in order for wrong mindsets to be transformed, they must first be exposed. So that will be one of the goals of this site.

I’m not sure exactly where this online journey will take me, but where ever it goes, I know I’ll be going with Jesus. And that’s also where the name of this blog comes from, SON&Rain. The SON is for Jesus, and the Rain is for me. So it’ll be me and Him, and I surely hope you will join me in learning from Him!

God Bless!!!