The Call

Hello! Did you know that God had a specific purpose in mind when He put you here? It’s TRUE!!! Everything that God wants to do on the earth, He uses a PERSON to do it. And all throughout the Bible, whenever there was a need, He would select a person, and then tell them what He wanted them to carry out for Him. The most interesting thing is that, most of the time, the people who He called could not understand why He would choose them. In their own eyes they didn’t have any special talent or gift and in fact they would look at the things they DIDN’T have and basically tell God that they thought He had made a mistake in choosing them! 
Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 AMP
In the verse above, God told Jeremiah He had chosen him to be prophet. Jeremiah responded by saying, “Oh Lord, I cannot speak, for I am only a youth.” He was basically telling God, I’m too young to do what you’re asking me to do! But God answered him by saying “Don’t say that you’re too young and can’t speak, because I will tell you what to say. Don’t be afraid!” And then God actually touched his mouth and put His own words in Jeremiah’s mouth. (Jeremiah 1:6-9) The end of the story is that Jeremiah went on to become a great prophet, predicting future events!! 
So the question I have for you today is, what has God called YOU to do?? And are you doing it? Or are you still arguing with God (and yourself, and possibly others) about why you CAN’T do it? If that’s the case, I’m here to tell you that whatever you think you’re “missing” that would prevent you from doing the great things God is calling you to do, God is saying that He Himself will give it to you (whatever it is)…if you will just decide to step out in faith and do it!!
Maybe you’re someone who is saying, “I don’t have a call on my life”. I would beg to differ! God is very purposeful. And you simply would not be here on this earth if He didn’t have a reason for it!  So, if you don’t think you have a purpose in life, then you have some homework to do! 🙂 And because God created you, He is the only One that knows what that purpose is, because it is precisely the reason why you are here. The first thing you need to do is ASK HIM what that is, so you can get started on that path! I can assure you that whatever it is, IF you accept the call, He will bring tremendous joy and blessings into your life! 
‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.’ Jeremiah 29:11
Here’s a short prayer to help you get you started… 
Lord, I know you’ve called me to do something great for You. Please show me what that is and give me the courage, so I can do it! Help me to not to look at my own abilities, but at Your ability, because I know that You will be with me every step of the way! In Jesus name, Amen. 
If you prayed that prayer, I already know that you are on your way to something WONDERFUL! I am so happy for you!! 
God bless you!!! 

16 thoughts on “The Call

    • Hi Carmelita! Trust me I KNOW you are right! He inspires me and I just write what He puts in my heart. All of Him, none of me…except my fingers of course! LOL 🙂 I am believing it will bless many too and draw them closer to Him. That is my mission…it perhaps more appropriately my “call”. Thank you for stopping by to read it! I really appreciate your support!!

  1. I guess I’ve know what my calling is for about at least ten years now. Still not doing it…don’t really want to do it although a part of me gets excited when I think about it…its not strong enough to make me want to move.

    • You better get moving on it! I’m starting to believe that every day we delay we also delay the blessings we will reap from it. And that is a reminder I think we all need. Just imagine all the wonderful things we see in our future and then imagine they are tied to our obedience to the call we’ve been given. That becomes scary because we start to realize that we could have already been experiencing them long ago had we just obeyed. And I say imagine but I’m almost certain they really are tied together. Sis I don’t want us delayed for ONE more day! We must go on now lest God give our opportunities to someone else. And that is a super sad thought. Usually its just that our fears are stronger than our belief that we can and will be great in our calling. But if you’ve been called to do it you WILL be great! I love you girl, we gotta do this!

  2. I’ve often had that thought that God will pass the assignment on to a more willing participant…and you are right that is scarey…but that thought passes by along with another day…and another…and a year…and ten years. I know that this is on me. Just today I had planned to get a group of kids togther because I really feel led to start here. But I’m in bed watching Law n Order. I was drinking last night. I thought I would be ready but the truth is I do feel unprepared and afraid that I may mess these kids up more than I will help them.

    • You already know where all those negative thoughts come from, and they aren’t from God. I mean who on this earth is perfect? And you may think you are not ready but I know if He is telling you to do it, that must mean that you are! 🙂 I know you and I know what is inside of you and I know that it is valuable information you can share. And its probably those very things that you think will mess them up that will give you the perfect material to talk to these crazy kids these days! Jus start girl! I promise you won’t be disappointed and in fact I bet you will get surprised! Either way no matter what just don’t give up the gift of you, never do that. You are a gift to this world, so just don’t leave without sharing your gift. I mean that sis!

  3. Well…I did it. I picked up the kids and did our first session. And even with the delay and the little planning I did do…it turned out a lot better than I thought. And even though I didn’t plan for it to be so much about the bible, that’s the dircetion it went so I went with it and was totally surprised in the interest that this group of 13-17 year olds had. Now I guess my challenge will be to continue the next seven weeks.

    • That is WONDERFUL! God is faithful! You see how He worked that out cuz you just took your step. He did the rest! I’m just so glad that you did it and posted back about your experience because it is just what I was trying to emphasize on this post! If we take the one small step God say, then the outcome is left up to Him and He never fails! So He starts making things happen! You will keep it going because I’m gone keep reminding you! Haha! Don’t call me a nuisance either! 🙂 Take this same situation and apply to other things you want to do. Take your step and you already know God is on your side so you can’t lose!

    • Hey stista! Thank you! I’m trying girl I have to keep focused! You know the enemy throw distractions in our way to stop us. That’s whats been happening to me lately but I don’t want to lose momentum so I’m going to post again this week for sure! I appreciate you checking it out and giving your feedback! Love you!

    • You sure are and I’m so glad to hear that!!! Go head on Teach! LOL …I believe its mine too but I’m using the blog for mine 🙂 and honestly I think that is what most ppl need to do is find the thing that they are passionate about most because then you will enjoy it. God gives us that desire and passion and we need to follow it!

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